
WELLGO Kazakshstan becomes a Member of the EUROBAK Healthcare Committee

2024-05-02 12:00 Events News
Since the beginning of 2024, WELLGO Kazakhstan has officially joined the European Business Association of Kazakhstan (EUROBAK), a key non-profit organization established in 1999 at the initiative of European Union companies and the EU Delegation. EUROBAK actively promotes the development of business and public relations between Kazakhstan and EU countries, counting over 125 European, Kazakhstani, and international members, including diplomatic missions.
In April of this year, our participation in the Association reached a new level when WELLGO was included in the EUROBAK Healthcare Committee, which also includes major international pharmaceutical companies. We have already taken part in the Committee's initial working sessions.
As experts in pharmaceutical logistics, we are excited to contribute to the development of key healthcare projects in Kazakhstan. We are particularly eager to support the creation and development of infrastructure in Kazakhstan to transform it into a leading pharmaceutical hub for all of Central Asia. This includes developing projects for creating logistics hubs that will be critically important for manufacturers, distributors, regulatory bodies, customs and tax services, as well as transport and logistics operators.
We are confident that our expertise and active participation in the Committee's work will further the development of WELLGO as a brand and company in this strategically important region.